Monday, June 13, 2011

Test Results

So some of you know I have really been struggling with some pretty severe stomach aches and intestinal issues in the last month. At first I thought it was my ulcer back to haunt me but then it went from just stomach pain to stomach pain closely followed by the GI issues sometimes with every meal of the day. Well, through some elimination diet test runs, I figured out it was gluten that was causing the problem. So I emailed my Dr. and he had me get a blood test for Celiac Disease....

The test results came back and I got an email that they were in and so I went to to see the outcome. One of the results (IgA) was high or out of range and the other (IgG) was normal. Since it was after business hours, I haven't heard from the Dr. yet as to what that means... but I Googled the test name to read up on it more to try to prepare myself a little, and it seems as though a high IgA is indicative of Celiac.... Wow.... this is going to SUCK. We'll see what the doc says if it's official or not. :( (SUPER SAD FACE) This plus what's going on with my lady bits, I am really done feeling like crap all the time.

To understand what Celiac Disease is, read HERE.

1 comment:

Hilary said...

Hmmm. A, never believe anything you read online, wait for your doctor. B, that test isn't conclusive. Don't freak out. It seems like I got my IgG checked back when I Was considering having kids to see if I had it. It came back normal, but he basically said that doesn't mean anything.
Stay calm. :) God is in charge. :)