Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Little Peanut

Haven't updated in a while I know... Instead of trying to catch up I'll just start from today. We had E's 4 month appointment yesterday and she's still a wee one. 24th percentile for weight and 26th for height. Oh how I love her :) As of late she is being such a good sleeper too. I have put her down while she is seemingly wide awake right after nursing her. But to my surprise, she squaks for maybe 2 minutes and then goes quietly to sleep. Yay :) As of this morning we just passed the 11 hour mark. Tiny one always sleeps longer after shots poor babe.

Here is my fav pic of her right now. Just cant get enough of those baby blues...

In other news, (if you are male and don't want to read something about me that's graphic, stop reading now!)

I have to have a Vaginoplasty. Yep, you heard me. The doctor that delivered E did not sew me back together correctly so I am almost 5 months out and still not completely healed and still having pain. Yah, not happy about it. Kaiser is so fired. I was really happy with my experience in terms of everything else but this....this just sucks. I'm looking at like 8 months from D day before I'll be able to be sexually active again?!?! Not cool. I finally burst in to tears yesterday after trying so hard to tough it out. I am so done with this and just want to be normal again.


LJ, DC and ML said...

Holy heavens that sounds awful. I am very sorry about the surgery. Did you say 8 months?! Birth does crazy things to our bodies. Birth or doctors, whatever.

Hilary said...

Oooo... that doesn't sound fun. Sorry dude. What does that involve?