Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Has anyone seen my brain? It seems it has gone missing in the last few months. I feel like such a ditz. Anyone have any tips for how to not feel this way? Any remedies that help with cognitive function? I don't really feel like I'm not getting enough what could it be? I'm not pregnant as far as I know. (Had a period 2 1/2 weeks ago) but this has been going on for like 6 months now. Bleh....


Hilary said...

For me I have to stay on a pretty similar schedule most of the week to stay on top of my game.
Bed at 9:30 or 10 up at 6, every day...

Aubrey said...

lol...the first thing I thought was "pregnancy brain". Ok so that's not it. Not getting enough sleep can definitely contribute. Also, it may be a sign that something is distracting you subconsciously? Pray about it and see what comes up.

Jenkins said...

if you find yours...will you see if mine is with it??

Joni said...

Have you had your thyroid checked? Your TSH should be around 1 to 1.5.