Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I am so frustrated to the point of tears because of all of the mud slinging and name calling surrounding prop 8. People say we should seperate church and state, but regardless, Prop 8 made the ballot and therefore it was up to the people to vote. Because of my beliefs I voted yes on 8 to restore the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman. As a result I am being called a Bigot among other things. I really feel frustrated that people say we all have freedom of speech but attack me for my opinion. I know it's not reasonable to think that everyone will just be respectful of my right to my opinion and agree to disagree but man, it really gets hard to stand up for what you believe when EVERYONE around you is telling you what an awful person that makes you. One of my best friends is gay, and she was saddened when I told her of my decision on how I would be voting.... but we are still friends and hopefully will be for years to come. I find it sad that of all the people who are angry at my vote, she, who has the most reason to be upset, respects my beliefs, understands my reasoning and does not think I am a bigot. She knows I love her and support her happiness any way I can as do I for anyone, male or female who is gay. I am always happy for someone when they find love, happiness and acceptance for who they are from another person.


Hilary said...

OMG, perahps I'm lucky I live such a sheltered life. And unlucky is the person that calls me a bigot.
Our religion IS our life. And about 99% of the time people really like that. We bring casseroles when they're sick (regardless of their religion), we're soccer moms, we're on the PTA, we are room moms, we donate a ton to world causes. But when it conflicts with what their personal creed is we're suddenly biggots.
{sigh} I hate stupid people.

Rachelle Johnson said...

amen amen amen amen AMEN... i'm so frustrated with hypocritical people who, in trying to defend their own rights, do to us the very thing they're fighting against! i don't understand why we're so singled out, but i think it reflects a lot on those who do the singling.

but, on a happier note, perhaps all is not lost... good for you for sticking your ground (is that the right phrase? it's late and i think i'm having a brain-missing moment)