Wednesday, August 24, 2011

She did it!

E just rolled over from back to front all by herself for the first time while I was chatting with daddy online. I barely caught it out of the corner of my eye as she got all the way over and got her arm out from under her. What a big girl!!! She is 7 months and a few days. I'm so proud! :-D

Monday, August 22, 2011

The count down begins...

I start work in exactly a week. Don't freak out. don't freak out. don't freak out. I am really excited to start this job and think that I will love it. But I love staying home with Emmie more.... Sigh.... Oh well. You gotta do what you gotta do.

In other news: Emmie is 7 MONTHS OLD! How did this happen? I swear she gets cuter every day. And I'm not just saying that, I have proof: 7 month photo shoot. She's a growing girl for sure. At 12 months I'll post a collage of her 1-12 months pictures so you can see how much she changes.

She was just over 6 months old here and had started sitting up on her own for more than a few seconds. Now the only time she tips over is if she's trying to reach something out of her grasp and even then she'll catch herself before the topples most of the time.

I found this adorable skirt at Target for $6 and just couldn't pass it up. It's not quite a tu-tu but it's close :) Every girl needs one.

She is still small for her age but growing at a steady rate none-the-less. She is in the 16th and 18th % for height and weight. My little peanut :)

Here is a picture from my Grandma Jessie's funeral last Monday. This is me and my 5 older siblings and my mom. This picture just brings so much love to my heart.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Geez, update time

Man, you would think I have so much time on my hands being home with E.... NOT the case. I bow to stay at home moms. There is ALWAYS cleaning, laundry, dishes, errands to do on top of wrangling the little wee ones.

Update: I do NOT have Celiac! yippeee! It was likely my ulcer and gluten was agitating it more than usual. This has happened in the past but did not make me as sick.

Emmie is now on Solid food and loving it. I am NOT, however, loving her new massive amounts of poop. Sigh....

Also, she is sitting up and playing much more independently! Can you say productive mommy in these times?!? This is such a great feeling! I have even started working out on the treadmill again right after her first feeding in the mornings. Starting out small and slow but it still feels good :)

My Grandma Jessie died this past week and I will be attending her funeral on Monday. She was 97 1/2 and sharp as a tack till her final hours. She is probably so glad to not have her ailing body holding her back anymore. She remembered each and every-one of her grand childrens names and birth dates including great grand babies. What an amazing woman.

My sister-in-law, Jen, is getting married tomorrow. I'll post pics when we get them :)

Also, I GOT THE JOB! I start on August 29th as a Guest Services Insurance Specialist (GSS) for DaVita Dialysis. I am soooo scared about leaving Emmie and going back to work, but....excited for such a great opportunity. Yikes.... Too many emotions.